Homework Alert!!

Hello – We are spying on published authors again!! Students need to find 2 sentences that follow the described sentence pattern below.  We are investigating the kinds of sentences that authors use in hopes of finding a sentence type/s  that would help improve our own writing.  Students are to look in their AR books, but if they are unable to locate two sentences in their books, they may look at other resources (newspapers, books, magazines, etc.). Please make sure the sentence and the resource are school appropriate.  Happy Spying!!


Closer sentence – this is a sentence that combines a complete sentence with a fragment by using a comma.  The fragment comes at the CLOSE of the sentence.  Please see the example below:


The moon rose above the land with majesty, shining on all the land. 


The moon rose above the land with majesty. – COMPLETE SENTENCE

shining on all the land.  -Fragment